Our Company
Greystone Poland located in Stalowa Wola (in Poland) is a part of Greystone – an American privately held company which has been in business since 1932. Our business objectives is the production of functional electrochemical coatings on metal parts of critical importance for safety. Greystone Poland focuses on the automotive, aerospace, defense (firearms), medical and industrial market. Our customer base includes many of the industry leaders in the markets. In our plant, we provide safe working conditions for our loyal and experienced employees and minimize the impact of our activities on the environment.

Management Supporting Plating Technology Development
Greystone is a professionally managed, privately held company that operates to the principles of the book “Good To Great” by Jim Collins. We focus on the development of employees with high leadership skills who lead our teams of employees to operate within our Hedgehog principles: manufacturing products that require high technological development, in high volume production lots, utilizing high automation. We strive to ensure that highly disciplined employees constantly improve themselves so that they can show their greatest potential during their work.

“Safety Critical” Parts
Safety-Critical parts fit well with our management components and with the quality certifications maintained in Greystone Poland’s production plan. We know that the long-term maintenance of production at the highest level requires a high level of services, the so-called “Value Added”. Therefore, our strength is the selective electroplating of many surfaces on single, technologically complex part that require 100% inspection. It is a core competency of Greystone Poland served through our automation engineering department.

Worldwide Manufacturing
Greystone operates 3 plants in the Unites States located near major highways and shipping ports. We have two joint ventures in China (Plating and Machining). To meet the requirements and requests of our customers, we established in 2020 a fully owned plating (electroplating, galvanizing) plant in Poland – Stalowa Wola. The location of our factories allow us to serve our international customers with manufacturing facilities sited all over the world.